Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Focus on wages

Ray Murphy continues the conversation about what approaches will go farthest to ensure the future health of Philadelphia by arguing that good wages are critical.
Yet at the public policy level, very few civic leaders or elected officials consistently talk about ways which the city can use its power and economic leverage to reverse the trend of declining wages. There is a lot of talk about job creation in the abstract, but creating jobs is a pretty worthless if the quality of wages that goes with them is not enough to overcome this downward spiral we have been in for the past 30 years.
He cites striking findings that the income gap is widening here (as in much of the country), and promises a series of posts with suggested solutions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One part of the problem is that middle and upper middle class people have moved out and poorer cannot. One way of looking at this is that we need to work to attract and retain by giving middle and upper middle class people what they want and need. This has the effect of increasing the economic proposperity of the City, as "trickle down" - while a load of bs at the federal level - actually works to some extent in the City. Also, attracting a wealthier citizenry into town generates higher tax revenues which in turn can be used to benefit both the new arrivals as well as the neediest Philadelphia.

3:56 PM  

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