Monday, September 19, 2005

Where does Rendell stand?

Governor Ed Rendell has been a bit of a flip-flopper on the question of a minimum wage (MW). In the course of just this summer, he said he supported an increase and would veto a legislative pay-hike unless the MW was raised as well [1]; then he signed the pay-hike without an MW increase [2]. Now he's listing it as one of his priorities for the new legislative session [3]. Phila. City Councilman Wilson Goode, Jr., points out further that in 2002 Rendell actually campaigned against the MW, and that he interfered with attempts to boost the city MW back in 1998. Hard to think he brings a lot of clout to the issue if he's been that overtly unsupportive in the past, but perhaps his current signing-on is a symptom of the way the wind is blowing in Harrisburg (and any politician's desire to be on the right side of an issue that's about to be decided). Only time will tell.


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